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Radon Detection

As radon is odourless and colourless, the only way to establish if a building has a problem, is to test.
Radon Scotland Limited offer a variety of testing options to suit the needs of the property and its owner.

Short Term Monitoring

Ramon detectorWe recommend the use of a digital monitor for the short term detection of radon, particularly when testing for between two days and a month. As a company, Radon Scotland use and are happy to hire the Ramon 2.2. The monitor is an excellent cost effective way to quickly establish if a building has a radon problem and if remedial work has been effective.

Long term Monitoring

Closed cup detectorLong term monitoring is a common method of detection and is recommended by Public Health England and Local Authorities, using two close cup detectors. One detector is usually placed in the living room and one in an occupied bedroom. This method of detection allows for variation of radon levels, which can be common in properties. After three months the kits are sent away for analysis at a laboratory and the property owner is sent a radon report. Radon Scotland are happy to supply these detectors, with analysis and following your report, to offer assistance with your radon results.